Some useful source code links (can become dated quickly):
- Starlab : A lightweight, modular, and cross-platform (Windows, OSX, Linux) 3D geometry processing environment (by Andrea Tagliasacchi).
- libigl : An easy to use (and extensive) C++ and Matlab geometry processing library (headed by Alec Jacobson).
- Graphics Software : an excellent collection of software and libraries used in computer graphics research (by Ryan Schmidt).
Older links:
- OpenGL : (used to be) best online resource when starting OpenGL development
- Thrust : Very Simple CUDA wrapper library in C++ (from NVIDIA)
- Eigen Library : amazing linear algebra / matrix library with top performance and easy syntax (human readable)
- Galaxy3, Radakan, NuPlay, Wild Magic, r5ge & jMonkey : open source 3d libraries, helpful for code snippets in C++ and Java
- Implementation of "Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes using Diffusion and Curvature Flow" in C++
- Other mesh smoothing implementations and implicit functions code by Yutaka Ohtake in C++
- Ray-Triangle intersection test code in C++
- Generic Dijkstra's algorithm in C++
- SparseLib++ : old but compact and simple C++ library for sparse matrix computation
- FastArea: find the signed area and direction of a closed polygon
- Everything else
Graphics books to consider:
- Polygon Mesh Processing (2010)
- Real-Time Collision Detection (2005)
- Real-Time Rendering (2008)
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